Sunday, 22 May 2016

Vine: How King Bach became one of the most influential people on the Internet

Many people must have heard the word "Vine" at least once or twice. Vine is clips social media channel in which people can share their 6-seconds video clips about anything.The channel was established back in June 2012 and acquired by Twitter in October of the same year. As far as i know, the most famous use of this platform is funny clips and there are people whose popularity's skyrocketed thanks to creative contents on their videos. One example that i can show you is King Bach, who currently holding #1 spot for being the most successful viner in the history so far.
Back when he started doing Vine, most of his videos back then were about jokes of being a black guy, adult jokes.. et cetera. His contents was definitely funny and it's also a message from him to people who are still concern about racism in modern days. He also posted the full version for his funny videos on Facebook and his number of followers on Facebook has reached for more than 7 million people. According to him, the idea of Vine was definitely creative since 6 seconds is very short for a video and it forced him on a task of how to create a funny video in just 6 secs. Now, the guy has step one step forward from being a solely viner and currently working on a TV show.

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